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Data Science is successfully adding value to all business models using statistics and deep learning tools to make better decisions. A growing number of companies are now hiring data scientists to crunch data and predict possible situations and risk for businesses.
This summer school is designed for undergraduate students, in the final two years of their undergraduate studies, studying IT, computing or any engineering degrees, with an interest in data science. Students will be introduced to the concept, develop an understanding of data science, hear from experts on data science applications and work in teams towards a technical project.
Team-based learning through group project:
Students will be working in small teams on a group project as outlined below:
Gliomas are the most common malignant brain tumours causing significant mortality and morbidity around the world. Accurate detection of brain tumours has always been a real-world challenge with great clinical importance. Imaging tests like MRI scans are commonly used for checking an abnormal brain area that is likely to be gliomas. Examining an MRI scan is a time-consuming and tedious task for clinicians. In this technical project, students will develop an accurate and automated AI framework that is able to detect and segment brain tumours in MRI scans. This framework not only has the potential for improving efficiency in healthcare systems, but also for extracting imaging biomarkers for assessing the disease progression and evaluating the outcome of the treatments.
Supervised by Imperial academics through tutorials, students will present the project to a panel of experts on the last day of the programme.
Learning objectives:
On completion of this summer school, students will be able to:
• Understand the basic concepts of Data Science;
• Develop an understanding of exploratory data analysis, natural language processing, data science for computer vision and machine learning for data science;
• Establish an understanding of data visualisation and see how this is presented in the state-of- the-art 360 observatory;
• Understand the real-world applications in data science and how data science can transform the future of healthcare;
• Establish an understanding of data entrepreneurship and blockchain technology;
• Understand the importance of data privacy and ethics;
• Gain a unique insight into advances in data science through Imperial’s researchers in data science;
• Develop valuable professional skills in teamwork, communication and presentation;
• Experience team-based learning through a technical data science project;
• Practice and improve their English language.
In addition, students will have an opportunity to make new friends, get to know student ambassadors from Imperial College London through social activities and discuss opportunities for future study and experience what it is like to study in a world class university.
Visit to the Data Science Institute:
As part of this summer school, students will have a unique opportunity to visit the state-of-the-art 360 Observatory at the Data Science Institute, one of the seven Global Institute at Imperial College London, and see demonstrations of cutting edge data science research.
60 contact hours spread over 2 weeks covering lectures, workshops, tutorials, project work and visits. Classes will be delivered on weekdays.
Students will be allocated in small groups for Project work which will be done through team- based learning with supervision. Final project will be presented in groups to a panel of experts on the last day of the programme. A prize will be awarded to the team with the best project.
The entire programme will be taught in English.
The summer school will cover the following core lectures:
Introduction to Data Science
Introduction to Natural Language Processing
Machine Learning for Data Science
Computer Vision and Applications
Data Privacy and Ethics
Data preparation
Data Science Entrepreneurship
Data Visualization
Data Science for Computer Vision
Exploratory Data Analysis
Group Project Introduction and Briefing
Introduction to Blockchain Technology
Transforming the future of healthcare with data science
Advances in Data Science - Research showcase
Professional skills workshops to include:
◦ Team building and leadership.
◦ Effective Communication for Presentation.
Social activities will include:
Welcome lunch and campus tour with Imperial student ambassadors.
Thames River Cruise.
British Cultural Quiz.
Visit to Bletchley Park.
Tour of the Royal Albert Hall.
All students are expected to be studying an undergraduate degree, preferably in the final two years of their undergraduate studies, in any engineering discipline, IT or computing degree.
English requirements:
All students are required to have a good command of English, and if it is not their first language, they will need to satisfy the College requirement (or equivalent) as follows:
a minimum score of IELTS (Academic Test) 6.5 overall (with no less than 6.0 in any element).
TOEFL (iBT) 92 overall (minimum 20 in all elements)
CET- 4 (China) minimum score of 550
CET- 6 (China) minimum score of 520
*The English qualification certificate is waived for the student undertake high education (undergraduate or postgraduate) studies in English. If you have difficulty providing the above evidence, you will be required to attend an online interview.
Technical requirements:
As the project has a strong technical element, students are expected to have the following technical knowledge and interest:
Interested in computer visualisation / natural language processing;
Have at least intermediate level at one of the common programming language (Python, Java, C ++, etc.);
Have mathematical foundation (probability theory, linear algebra, etc.);
Have understanding of the Linux environment;
Knowledge of Machine Learning with experience in using PyTorch / Tensorflow / Keras.
Students will be asked to bring along their computer pre-installed with Python for project work.
The cost of the summer School is £5420. The fee includes all tuition which covers:
Lectures, project work, supporting materials, Imperial College certificate of attendance and transcript;
Campus tour, visits and social activities in the programme schedule;
Catering Vouchers for Lunches on weekdays from 8th to 19th July 2024 (Cohort 1) or 1st to 14th August 2024 (Cohort 2);
Accommodation fee for 17 nights;
Overseas insurance expenses;
A London Transport card with a top-up value of £5;
An airport shuttle service on a fixed schedule.
Applications are made through the online application portal: Apply for Cohort 2.
*You will need to upload a copy of your university transcript and evidence of English language proficiency in the above website. It is important that the transcript includes your full name. (If this document is not in English, please provide a brief translation.)
*To prevent potential disappointment, we highly recommend that you submit your application at your earliest convenience. Our admissions process operates on a rolling system, meaning applications are assessed and decisions are made on a first-come, first-served basis. Applying earlier grants you access to a larger pool of available places to offer for evaluation.
For queries or further information, please contact:

“I really have learned a lot through the programme. Thanks to all professors and supervisors”
‐ student from Shanghai Jiaotong University
“High quality teaching, useful knowledge and full support”
‐ student from Shanghai Jiaotong University
“Wonderful. It enhanced my understanding of data science. It was also wonderful to listen and discuss opinions with the professors”
‐ student from Zhejiang University
“It's indeed a wonderful experience, learning knowledge and coming across with so many excellent teachers and classmates”
‐ student from Zhejiang University
“This programme opens a door to the world of data science for me! Brilliant!”
‐ student from Zhejiang University
“The project gave me the opportunity to meet many great students and professors. I learned how to use artificial intelligence to improve everyday tasks, including but not limited to the computer vision and natural language projects in the program. This has greatly broadened my horizons and expanded my knowledge beyond my undergraduate studies. ”
‐ student from Xi'an Jiaotong‐Liverpool University
“Many thanks for this valuable experience. I have benefited greatly from being exposed to cuttingedge data science knowledge and trying to work on a project with students from different schools and disciplines. I will always cherish this memory. ”
‐ student from Nanjing Audit University
“It's a fantastic opportunity to experience the research atmosphere at Imperial College London. It is exhilarating to meet so many outstanding staff and professors talking like friends to us. It was also a valuable experience working with my teammates, who doesn't actually know each other before, but come together tighter after this programme. And my passion towards IC has never become so high like now. ”
‐ student from University of Nottingham Ningbo China